Monday 28 February 2011

A nocturnal animal

I would think, and it is, quite interesting to follow someone on a night out. Be a fly on the wall. This is what I am trying to communicate in this image. A girl getting ready, through to pre-drinks, through to sniffing coke, through to passing out at the end. It is shown as a crowd of the same person, in a snake-like composition, the smallest person being her at the beginning of the night, to the largest 'head' at the bottom being her at the end of the night. It is done with a thin fine liner for an experiment, unfortunately I don't think this works as a technique entirely well. I will try this with a thicker one :D
( I really have to apologise for the poor/lack of quality with this photographed/photoshopped image, I'll do it again with better light!)

This is a the bottom section of the top image. Light-boxed it is exactly the same but done with dip pen and brown ink. I don't really think this works any better. There is rougher line and it is more messy.

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